Let me start by saying that I am more than pleasantly surprised by the results I’ve experienced in using this product. I used Rogaine for more than a year and saw no results. I started out Dualgen-15 With PG Plus just over five months ago on trying to restore my thinning hair. Especially the barren patch in the back. I did a considerable amount of research before starting out with Dualgen-15 With PG Plus. I didn’t want to waste more time by trying many different products so I decided to choose the one that seemed to be most powerful on the market. In short, this stuff works! I took photos of my head when I started and took some more just recently. The patch is the back is filling in at an excellent rate after just five months. I’ve got considerable restoral in that area and it’s not simply thin wispy hairs. I’ve also used Dualgen-15 With PG Plus on the front area where I had a strip of hair that resembled a map of the lower part of Florida. That area has become fuller since using Dualgen-15 With PG Plus and there’s even new growth in and just to the front of the border that my hairline had receded to. The attached images aren’t the greatest quality pics (cell phone in the bathroom mirror) but you can see the progress. I am fortunate to stumble upon this product and gave it a try (after a lot of research) and I am planning to stick with it until I no longer care about my hair. Best of luck to all who read this!