Minoxidil Shedding

minoxidil shedding

Two big mistakes people usually make when using minoxidil hair loss products. One is that people stop using minoxidil too soon. The other mistake people usually make is that they get panicked and stop using the product after seeing increased hair loss.

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Minoxidil Frequently Asked Questions & Minoxidil Review

Minoxidil Frequently Asked Questions


This is a looooong article about the world's NO.1 hair regrowth product Minoxidil .  For regular customers, it will be more than enough to just read the first part: 30 frequently asked questions about minoxidil (Minoxidil FAQ). If you want to be an expert on Minoxidil, you can read the second part, which is our professional minoxidil review that covers topics (1) how minoxidil was discovered; (2) how minoxidil works to grow hair; (3) How different concentration of minoxidil affect the effectiveness; (4) minoxidil side effects, etc, and more.


iRestore laser hair growth system : All You need to know

irestore review


Updated in May 2020 to include iRestore new model: iRestore Professional. 

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Minoxidil For Women

minoxidil women


Hair loss is a common problem among all the genders. Men, however do not pay heed to it as many women do, because baldness in females is less appreciated and not a ritualistic practice. Over the years, man has perfected ways to overcome the baldness and hair loss factor in man. Minoxidil topical solution, finasteride, and hair transplant. have been practiced throughout the world and have shown significantly fruitful results as well.


Finasteride Frequently Asked Questions & Finasteride Professional Review

This is a looooong article about the world's second best selling hair loss treatment product Finasteride.  For regular customers, it will be more than enough to just read the 16 frequently asked questions about finasteride. If you want to be an expert on finasteride, you can read the second part, which is our professional finasteride review.

1. What is Finasteride?

Minoxidil liquid vs Minoxidil Foam, Which is Better

liquid minoxidil vs foam minoxidil

Many users who switched from Minoxidil liquid to Minoxidil Foam experienced increased hair loss and reverted back to the liquid form.

The question arises: why does liquid Minoxidil seem to outperform the foam version? This discrepancy is perplexing, especially considering clinical studies that suggest the foam has a higher success rate.

Polaris NR 09 :15% MINOXIDIL

polaris nr-09, nr09




Claim: Like no other topical treatment yet devised, Polaris NR-09 regenerates hair to reverse male pattern baldness via three unprecedented pathways:

Hair Transplant Doctor Hair Loss Expert in Canada: Complete List

hair transplant doctors in Canada



Blow is the complete list of hair transplant doctors, hair loss treatment experts in Canada.



1. Sure Hair International

Website: Surehair.Com

Services: Hair Replacement, Hair Transplantation, Laser Hair Therapy, Stem Cell And Hair Regeneration

10% minoxidil with 0.1% finateride

10% minoxidil with 0.1% finasteride

We have the most comprehensive list of minoxidil and topical finasteride product. We still do not have every concentration and combination our customers may want.

10% minoxidil with 0.1% finasteride is one of them. But it is very easy to make such a solution using our the products we offer.

How to make 0.1% finasteride without minoxidil in 10 seconds

Here is how to make  0.1% finasteride without minoxidil in 10 seconds? 

All you need to do is mix 2 oz Essengen-F (0.2% finasteride) with 2 oz PG Solvent, and shake the mixture for 10 seconds, you get 4 oz of 0.1% topical finasteride (See image above).

The PG Solvent bottle is 4 oz. It has  2 oz vacant space that allows a full size of Essengen-F (2 oz) directly poured into the bottle. 

One ml of the mixture contains 1 mg of finateride. 


Both Essengen-F and PG Solvent can be purchased from our store.

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Natural Products Means Better?

Question:  If a hair regrowth product is made of natural ingredients, does it mean that it is safer than a product made of synthetic ingredients? 

Answer. The answer is absolutely no. As a matter of fact, the opposite may be even true.

First of all, there is no hair growth product that is made of all natural ingredients. There are many purported natural hair regrowth products. The fact is that they have only one or two natural ingredients. Mojority of the ingredients are actually not.

Secondly, natural ingredients are exposed toxic chemicals during extraction such as hexane, ethylacetate, etc.

minoxidil products review

Hair Loss Treatment and Products



Different Minoxidil Products For men

Rogaine for men  Rogaine for men _liquid photo rogaine men liquid_zpssftwmq9t.jpg 5% minoxidil

Requires two applications a day, continuous use is required to maintain the regrown hair

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