Topical Finasteride | All You Need To Know


Finasteride pill (brand name Propecia) is one of the only two FDA approved products for hair loss treatment. Topical finasteride has been explored by many users to lower side effects of finasteride pill. This blog will discuss (1) if the topical finasteride works, (2) whether it has less side effect, (3)  the best way to avoid side effects,  (4) how to compound topical finasteride yourself, (5) where to buy premade solution, and (6) how to make the best topical finasteride. Other commonly asked questions will also be discussed.


Table of Content
Does topical finasteride work?
Topical finasteride side effects
How to avoid finasteride side effects?
How to make your own topical finasteride?
How to make topical finasteride work better?
Where to buy topical finasteride?
Can I stop taking oral finasteride when using topical one? 
Before and after results
Can women use topical finasteride?
Should it be used once or twice a day?




Does Topical Finasteride Work?

For topical finasteride to work, it needs to be able to lower the dihydrotestosterone (DHT) level in the scalp, meanwhile having minimal impact on the serum DHT level to avoid any side effects.  

In the 7th World Congress on Hair Research, a Dutch research group reported the effect of topical and oral administration of finasteride on  DHT levels in the scalp and serum. Results showed the topical finasteride not only decreased the DHT level in the scalp, but also in the serum.  The good news is that topical finasteride decreases the scalp DHT level more than the oral version does, meanwhile it has far less impact on the serum DHT level than oral finasteride. Therefore, the data supports that topical finasteride works better than oral finasteride in two aspects: a) better hair growth; b) lower chance of side effects. 

  topical finasteride vs oral finasteride


 The results were confirmed by several clinical studies. In 2012, a Thailand group compared the efficacy and safety of the 24 weeks application of 3% minoxidil lotion (MNX) versus a combined 3% minoxidil and 0.1% finasteride lotion (MFX) in men with androgenetic alopecia (AGA). Results show the MFX group had significantly greater improvement than the MNX group in the amount of hair regrowth, and no side effect was reported (see the details of this study below, study 2).

 In 2009, an Iranian group compared the therapeutic effects of topical finasteride gel and tablets in the treatment of male pattern hair loss, and found that the therapeutic effects of both finasteride gel and finasteride tablets were relatively similar to each other ( (see the details of this study below, study 3).


Topical Finasteride Side Effects: 

The table below shows the drug-related adverse experiences for oral finasteride 1 mg (Propecia) after one year use in a large clinical study  with nearly 2000 participants. This is the data submitted to and reviewed by FDA when Propecia was approved. As shown, the side effects of taking 1mg finasteride daily is slightly higher than the placebo group (read the more detailed finasteride side effects here

Decreased Libido 1.8 1.3
Erectile Dysfunction 1.3 0.7
Ejaculation Disorder (Decreased Volume of Ejaculate) 1.2 (0.8) 0.7 (0.4)
Discontinuation due to drug-related sexual adverse experiences 1.2 0.9


89 thoughts on “Topical Finasteride | All You Need To Know”

    • I had side effects with oral

      I had side effects with oral fin. It’s been 5 years since I switched to a topical finasteride and I have no issue whatsoever. Cheers

      • Hi. 

        Hi. Did you get a shedd when you switched to topical. I have a shedd now after about 3-4months after switching from oral to topical. Is this normal should i get back to oral? 

    • hi Ted,you are right that

      hi Ted,you are right that people who had sides are more likely to vent than those who are satisfied. If you read the clinical studies, you will see the finasteride side effects are pretty low, typically lower than 2%.

  1. Thanks for the great article!

    Thanks for the great article! One comment: You recommend dissolving finasteride powder in a minoxidil solution which is fine. However, following your post I did some research and found that standard minoxidil solution (Rogaine) just contains alcohol (30%), propylene glycol (50%) and water as nonactive ingredients. 
    So the only “secret”ingredient here that helps to increase uptake of finasteride is propylene glycol which is readily available everywhere and is indeed proven to increase the uptake and thereby efficacy of topical finasteride.

    Quote: “You can’t just use pure alcohol as the solvent, because it evaporates too faster and you will end up with flakes of finasteride on your scalp that will never be absorbed.” So it should be easy to adjust the receipe to include 50% of propylene glycol or just use a minoxidil solution as you recommended.

    • hi Vanaik, You are right. You

      hi Vaneik, You are right. You can make a solution that has 30% alcohol, 50% propylene glycol and 20% water mixture to dissolve as the solvent. You do not have to dissolve the finasteride powder in a minoxidil solution.

      • can you use any type of

        Can you use any type of alcohol for the soultion or does it need to be a specfic type

        Thanks for your help

  2. How long should I leave this

    How long should I leave this product on scalp? I use the No PG version but may switch to the PG version.

    • It is best to use the product

      It is best to use the product in the evening so you can leave overnight and wash it off in the morning.

  3. Hello i want to make a home

    Hello i want to make a home made mixture of finasteride and minoxidil and i wanted to know how to do it. Can i buy finasteride powder and put it into a regular minoxidil bottle and shake it? How effective is this method? Thank you.

    • The key is to make sure the

      The key is to make sure the finasteride powder is fully dissolved. It is soluble in the regular minoxidil soluiton. But it does take time to dissolve it. It is recommend to shake the bottle for 10 minutes.

      Assuming the finasteride powder you purchased is in good quality, the effectiveness of home made minoxidil + finasteride solution should be similar to what is described in the blog above.

  4. There isnt any topical fin in

    There isnt any topical fin in my country , I am thinking to use it by putting it into loreal serioxl 4-5 ml per 1 mg each day , is this would be effective ? or minox would be better ?


    • Loreal serioxl is the product

      Loreal serioxl is the product line that has stemoxydine , which is believed be not as effective as minoxidil. Thus using a minoxidil solution as vihecle is a better option.

  5. Hi There

    Hi There

    I cut finasteride pills and add it into a bottle of propylene glycol free minoxidl and for some reason it won’t dissolve. I had to end up putting the minoxidil in a small cup and using a spoon to break up the finasteride. I even add a new pill in a small 1/4 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar which dissolved it immediately and I poured everything back into my bottle. Unfortunately I can still see extremely small finasteride particles at the bottle of my glass bottle. Is there a reason the finasteride doesn’t seem want to dissolve completely? I have put finasteride in water before and it is seems to dissolve almost instantly, which is confusing.

    Also any recommendations on how to dissolve it 100%?


    Thank you

    • hi James,

      hi James,

      To use finasteride pills,  you really need to pulverize the pills before add it to a minoxidil bottle. You can pulverize the pill by using a spoon to crush it. The pills is mostly made of filler, the inactive ingredients, which includes lactose monohydrate, microcrystalline cellulose, pregelatinized starch, sodium starch glycolate, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, hydroxypropyl cellulose, titanium dioxide, magnesium stearate, talc, docusate sodium, yellow ferric oxide, and red ferric oxide.

      The “finasteride particles” seen in the glass bottle is unlikely finasteride. It is actually the filler. 

      The concern with your process: using vinegar to dissolve the pill and then add the mixture to a minoxidil solution is that the vinegar is an acid, thus it will change the acidity of your minoxidil solution and may compromise its effectiveness.

      The best way is to do as what described in this blog.


      • Hello DrHair….If I use a

        Hello DrHair….If I use a 60ml Minoxidil solution and disolve 6 pulverized Proscar tablets, so that I have 30 servings of 2 ml/1mg servings given I am planning to use 2 ml per day..Will the disolved finasteride remain stable for 30 days?

        • Finasteride in a neutral

          Finasteride in a neutral solution is quite stable. As long as you can bring it into solution, it can be easily stable for one year. 

          • Thanks DrHair for your reply.

            Thanks DrHair for your reply. Is Minoxidil (kirkland) or a 70% Ethanol/30% demineralize water considered a neutral solution?



          • It is . However, the mixture

            Both are close to neutral . Kirkland minoxidil is okay for this purpose.  However, a mixture of 70% ethanol and 30% water does not have any penetrating solvent like Propylene glycol or glycerin. You need some penetrating solvent to ensure the good absorption of fin.

  6. Where do you reccomend I buy

    Where do you reccomend I buy Finasteride powder? I have heard that it is far more effective as the pills contain other ingredients so wont be as potent/speard evenly.

    Do you have any specific instructions regarding adding a 1mg fin pill compared to the minoxodil? How many pills should i crush down and add for use twice a day?

    Thank you for a great article! 

  7. Topical Finasteride is a very

    Topical Finasteride is a very controlled substance in belgium. Thus i Cannot import it from overseas. So I Made my own whilse looking how to get it here. Is it normal that there is a white layer on the bottom of the minoxidil/ Fina solution after i’ll Let the product rest for a night, before pooring it into an other bottle? ( used proscar 5mg, wich i pulverised pretty good into powder ) 

    thanks in beforehand,


    • The  undissolved white stuff

      The  undissolved white stuff at the bottom is filler. Please do shake the bottle for least 10 minutes to make sure fin is completely dissolved. 

    • 2.5% is way too high. If you

      2.5% is way too high. If you use 1 ml of 2.5% finasteride solution, that is 25 mg of finasteride. 

  8. I use Minoxidil Foam

    I use Minoxidil Foam currently and don’t want to stop using that (have 6 month supply), what other carrier oil/liquid can I use?

    • you can certainly continue to

      you can certainly continue to use Minoxidil Foam in the morning and add one of the products on this site to your regimen and use it in the evening. 

  9. Hi there, thanks for this! I

    Hi there, thanks for this! I have alcohol, propylene glycol and 1mg Finasteride tablets. I can’t get the 5mg ones! What do I need to do to make the correct solution? Thanks 

    • It is very challenging to use

      It is very challenging to use 1 mg fin tablets because you will need to use 60 tablets to get 60 days’ supply of topical solution.

      If you pulverize 60 tablets it will be a big pile of powder, thus you need a lot of solvent to extract fin into solution. 

      You probably can do something as follows:

      1. Make a solution that has 20% proproply glycol, 20% water and 60% alcohol. let’s name this solvent as Solvent A.

      2. Pulverize 60 tablets and add about 80ml of solvent A and shake it for 10 minutes vigorously. 

      3. Decant the solution in step 2 to a container.

      4. Add 60 ml of solvent A to the residue of step2 and shake it for 10 minutes vigorously.

      5. Decant the soltuion in step 4 to the same container as in step 3 and mix it well.

      6. Leave the container open to let it evaporate about half of the volume unitl you have about 60 ml left.  You can use a fan to blow to expedite the evaporation. What is evaporated is mostly alcohol. Propylene glycol and water are left.

      Now you have a solution that is approximately 1 mg /ml in a solution of 40% propylene glycol, 40% water and 30% alcohol.

  10. Hello…I have used minoxidil

    Hello…I have used minoxidil previously, both the liquid and foam, and my scalp doesn’t tolerate either for more than a few applications. To make my own, what else could I use to mix with the powdered finasteride?

    • It means that you are mostly

      It means that you are very likely allergic to minoxidil and propylene glycol as well.  If you use a solvent free of propylene glycol and minoxidil to dissolve finasteride, you probably will be fine. 

  11. For a long time I’ve been

    For a long time I’ve been using 5% minoxidil sensitive and also 1mg of oral Proscar with small positive results.  However this past year I’m seeing no results.  I want to try 15% minoxidil with the topical Finasteride and other DHT blockers.  I’m hopeful I will start to see results again with this new solution.  Do I have to buy 15% No PG and mix in my own Proscar tablets or can I just buy the complete solution with the topical Finasteride already mixed in?  Thanks.

  12. How does 10% minoxidil and 1

    How does 10% minoxidil and 1 mg dutasteride , broken down into powdered form and mixed together sound to you?

  13. Is there scientific proof

    Is there scientific proof that finasteride actually works when mixed with the kind of liquid that for example Kirkland minoxidil has (alcohol, propylene glycol, purified water). All the recent studies seem to use some special formulation that also include i.e. lipids. Based on various forum discussions, many believe that finasteride will not be absorbed well when just mixed with Kirkland/Rogaine – on the other hand, some say it will go systemic if there is not something to make the release slower.

    I would really like to believe it is this easy to make your own topical finasteride (that has as good results as a pill but does not go as much systemic) but it sounds too good to be true and I don’t know what to believe anymore. Links to studies proving this would be appreciated!

    Do the Minoxidilmax products contain lipids or something else in addition to the standard propylene glycol – alchol – water mixture? 

  14. Hey, I crushed some proscar

    Hey, I crushed some proscar pills today and followed the steps. after the Solution had sat there for a while there was some powder left on the bottom of the bottle. I read that it’s just additives in the proscar pills that I don’t need to worry about, so I threw them out and only added the clear solution. Was I correct or did I just flush the actual finasteride down the drain?

    • The key is that  you really

      The key is that  you really need to pulverize the pill very well and shake the bottle long enough to ensure the fin goes into the solution. 

  15. I’m currently using 0,5%

    I’m currently using 0.5% finasteride with 5% minoxidil and I am afraid of gyno (I don’t have any signs but I am afraid). Should I switch to 0.1%. Is it much safer or is it the same because of little absorption?

    • I assume your 0.5% topical

      I assume your 0.5% topical finasteride is liquid not gel based, correct? If that is case, 0.5% is very high. It is equivalent to 5 mg per day if you use  it once a day, or 10 mg if two applications a day. For most people, 1 mg per day (0.1% topical, use it once a day) should be sufficient. 

  16. Hi sir

    Hi sir

    my doctor recommended me minoxidil 5% & Finasteride 0.1% topical solution 

    its Of 60ml and told me to use 1ml per day

    is it good or any side effects will be therein future

  17. Thanks so very much for your

    Thanks so very much for your kindness to share these instructions, and allow me two questions please:

    1) does this also work with „low alcohol” formula of 5% minoxidil solutions? (e.g. QGain)

    2) assuming 2x per day use of the 5% minoxidil solution and if we want to achieve daily 1mg of Finasteride: is it correct to achieve a 0.05% solution by dissolving 6 tablets of 5mg Finasteride per 60ml bottle?

      • Many thanks for your response

        Many thanks for your response. I’m a little confused about the most effective percentage of topical Finasteride. While the described process of equating to a 1mg tablet would be a 0.05% solution, research claims that 0.25% to be most effective. Why the 5x dosage? Isn’t topical to be more “direct” than oral?

  18. Thank you for your thourogh

    Thank you for your thourogh advice. What about the delivery method? I anderstand you suggest rubbing it on the skin at the evening and let it be absored until next morning. Are there more efficient and feasible methods? Like solid microneedle (SMN) technique to create micro-channels in the skin and overcoming the skin barrier?

  19. Dear Author,

    I am looking to fight my hair loss using topical finasteride as my first line of defense. However, I wanted to start with a topical dosage equivalent to 0.25 mg oral finasteride. I understand that Essengen-F contains 1 mg per 0.5 mL. For me to use this formulation and achieve my target dosage, I would need to take only 0.5 mL / 4, which is a very very small amount and difficult to use. How would you suggest that I reduce the dosage to my desired amount of 0.25mg, while still having enough solution to apply broadly? 

    Thanks for your time.

    • You can use 0.5 ml of

      You can use 0.5 ml of Essengen-6 Plus, once daily. It is exactly 0.25 mg a day.

      • Thanks for your reply, Bryant

        Thanks for your reply, Bryant. I want to avoid using any minoxidil at the moment, so that’s why I asked the question. Unfortunately, Essengen-6 Plus has minoxidil. I’ve heard of people using serioxyl (stemoxydine) as a vehicle. Could I dilute Essengen-F with that? Any other reccomendations? I do not want minoxidil at all. Thank you!

  20. Hello,


    Thanks for the article. I followed the instructions pretty much to a T except that after shaking for 10 minutes I dipped it quickly in hot water to aid dissolution. Now the morning after I have a fairly large amount of powder resting at the bottom. Is that finasteride that hasn’t dissolved or could it be filler since I had to use 60 1 mg pills. If it it finasteride can I do anything to integrate it into the minoxidil?



    • Hello, according to the

      Hello, according to the number of pills you crushed I suppose the concentration is 0.1%. Let me help you out. If I were you, I would buy generic finasteride 5mg tablets and would crush them into a fine powder. You would need just 12 pills of 5mg, that equals 60mg for 60ml of 5% Minoxidil (Lipogaine, Kirkland, Essengen or Rogaine – but no low alcohol formulas or those with glycerin – just the standard stuff – propylene glycol + ethanol + purified water). Well, it would be great to buy pure finasteride but it is very difficult, at least in Europe. You could try buying it from a Chinese seller, but you may have problems with Customs. Now, the problem with DIY topical finasteride is that you need the right tools and procedures to do it right: a stainless steel mortar and pestle to crush the pills into a fine powder (you can also use a plastic bag and a hammer…), for at least 3 minutes; a bottle of 60ml (sorry, I’m European) of Minoxidil 5% (those brands I mentioned). U should pour a small amount of minoxidil into the tar and mix it slowly with the pestle; then add some more minoxidil and keep on mixing; finally you add all the minoxidil, mix it with the pestle and pour it into a glass recipient (preferably one of those used in a lab). Close the recipient and shake it very hard for at least 10 minutes. But it would be better to use a magnetic stirrer and let it mix for 15-30 minutes. Then, let it rest for one or two days. In fact you will find at the bottom of the recipient a white substance (powder from the pill – what you call filler). How do you minimize that? It’s hard… but you can use a 70mm Buchner funnel and an appropriate 70 mm lab paper filter to remove a certain amount of that pill filler. It won’t disappear completely. U can also use a syringe to remove the solution from the glass recipient and pour it into a new one – just stay away from the bottom where the filler is. You will lose a certain amount of the solution because the filler will be at the bottom. The result is a clearer lotion (56-58ml) that you can use within 30-45 days, once or twice a day for 0.1% and for 0.25% just once a day. My opinion on concentration… the 0,25% is more efficient in stopping hair loss. This is all based on personal experience, everyone is different. I’m just sharing my personal use of Finasteride. I have taken it in pill form before when I was younger – it had some sexual side effects, but it’s difficult to be sure if it isn’t the nocebo effect. This drug has a terrible reputation nowadays when it comes to one’s sexual life. You can reduce the dosage – instead of 1mg you can take 0,5 or 0.2mg, but this drug is funny… it is very powerful in killing DHT at 200ug or 500ug – almost the same as the 1mg dosage. If you have side effects you will probably get it with lower dosages anyway. Topical finasteride is not free from side effects (probably). If it blocks DHT it will have side effects with some people (minority) but hell, it means it is working – you will maintain your hair or maybe regrow some hair (more difficult specially if you have lost the follicule already – in a period of 2-3 years). Final thoughts… I really don’t know what’s the perfect dosage for topical finasteride… 0,5% maybe good for younger men, or even less, 0,1% is probably more efficient, specially if you have been taking oral finasteride and you want to progressively quit form it – switching to 0.1% topical finasteride could be a good move. The 0,25% concentration seems to stop hair loss more efficently… but it all depends on several things: age, sensitivity to DHT, general health, etc. I believe that for some people it is impossible to have the best of both worlds – a more active sexual life or your hair. I apologize for this long post. I just wanted to give my contribute to the cause.

  21. Cant get my hands on 5mg

    Cant get my hands on 5mg finasteride would 30 1mg pills mixed into 60ml 5%Minoxidil with 1ml used twice daily work? or is 30 pills too many to dissove with 60ml MIn? thx

      • Many thanks for these really

        Many thanks for these really useful posts although there seems to be part of the thread missing.  I have 60ml bottles of Kirkland 5% Minoxidil and lots of 5mg generic Finasteride tablets. Please can you clarify the correct number of 5mg tablets to crush and mix with a 60ml bottle of MInoxidil?

  22. Can I buy one bottle of you

    Can I buy one bottle of you 15% Minoxidil and can I add my self the finasteride because I need like two ml a day so I can cover my scalp but can I add the fin my self I want to because you already have mix caffeine Minoxidil and the other hair growth estimulants and I just want 7.5 mg of finasteride per bottle so I can get the minimal efecctive dosage 

  23. I have just prepared my own

    I have just prepared my own topical finasteride, what I’m wondering is that, can I apply a bit of tretionil on my scalp than wait for a while to apply topical solution on it? 

  24. Hi there

    Hi there 

    I wonder why some hair clinics offer their own topical finasteride, containing 2.5% of finasteride. I understand this equates to 25mg of the oral version. That seems terribly high!

    I did notice they offer it as a gel or a lotion, not as a liquid. Maybe the penetration into the scalp, and also into the blood is different this way.

     Any toughts about this ?



    • hi Paul, It must be because

      hi Paul, It must be because the absorption of such high topical finasterides (such as 2.5% or 1%) is very poor. Most finasteride in such a gel or lotion is not absorbed and it is wasted. 

  25. i crushed the 7 proscar

    i crushed the 7 proscar tablets into powder and put them into the regaine 5%, wihtout removing the fillers of the tablets. i Shaked it for 10 minutes but the white stuff still remains at the bottom of my solution….  Do you think that the filler may decrease the absorption of the active ingredients? Cause every time i see the mixed solution, the white stuff still remains at the bottom, but when i shake the solution again it gets away from the bottom of the solution. What do you think about that? Is my solution now ok to be used with the fillers inside? Or it may affect my solution effectiveness?

  26. Dear Bryant, I mixed 60mg of

    Dear Bryant, I mixed 60mg of finasteride powder with 60ml of minoxidil, shook it really well, and started applying it to my scalp just like when I was doing the minoxidil alone. What I don’t understand is what you mean by “Let the bottle stand still for overnight and pour the clear solution to another bottle for use”. Do you mean to say that just use the white powder and threw away what remains at the bottom of the 60mg bottle? I would GREATLY appreciate it if you could PLEASE clarify. Thank you in advance for your reply and help. You have done a fabulous job in putting together this article.



    • The liquid is what you need

      The liquid is what you need to keep. The white power is filler which you can discard.

      • Hi Bryant. I just got to see

        Hi Bryant. I just got to see your reply. I thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me. Have a great time and stay safe. 

  27. Hello, I would like to ask a

    Hello, I would like to ask a question, for men, is it better to use finasteride or spironolactone?

    • Both products can be used by

      Both products can be used by men. Finasteride has advantage in effectiveness, while spironolactone has advantage in safety.

  28. Can solution be made with

    Can solution be made with isopropyl alcohol or only with ethanol?  Is one better than the other?  I will be doing a solution with water and glycerin as the other 2 ingredients.  



  29. This product is excellent and

    This product is excellent and works. I stopped taking oral and changed to topical with this website. I absolutllly liked and I am on and since stopped oral finasteride and start this minoxidilmax (topical version) non minoxidil content. Highly recommeded. The price should be less for sure. Great webside and very responsable. My suggestion cut the price and we can order more and use more to cover more areas. Thank you for this great website. peter 

  30. Do you have a product with

    Do you have a product with topical dutasteride? I was not able to find it. Any plans of manking one?

  31. Hi, my problem is I have top

    Hi, my problem is I have top bold head but sides and back good hair wanted to know which product would suit me please 

  32. I had to stop using regular

    I had to stop using regular Minoxidil and switch to the foam because the alcohol would cause my scalp to break out and itch. So I’m concerned if I got your version w/ the finasteride I’ll be get the same problem again. Any recommendations?

    Thank you.

  33. Question for you. I haven

    Question for you. I haven never tried such a high percentage of Monoxidil. 15% seems high. Most that is out there is  5% or 6%. Why the 15%? I tried to taking oral Finistride and I did see results, but I thought long term about my health internally so I stopped taking it. The topical seems like something I would consider trying. The top of my head and crown is thinning/balding and I’s like to give it another chance. I was looking trying the DualGen-15 NO PG Plus. Particularly because it is intended for advanced hair loss which I think I fall into.


    The other product I was considering was EssenGen-6 Plus. It has 6% Monoxidil. What’s the major difference besides the monoxidil?

    Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

  34. Hi Bryant, 

    Hi Bryant, 

    I’m looking to reduce my sytemic exposure of finasteride by using a topical solution. I’ve already purchased the EssenGen-6 Plus. I’m aiming to only use the equivalent of .05mg of finasteride daily. Could you please share how many ml of EssenGen-6 plus I should use daily? 



    • 0.1 ml has 0.05mg of

      0.1 ml has 0.05mg of finasteride. If this volume is too small to cover the area, you can dilute it 10 folds by adding 7ml of Essengen-F to 60 ml of Essengen-5 NO PG Fast Dry, you will then get 60 ml solution containing 0.05% finasteride and 5.4% minoxidil. If you use 1 ml of the solution, you get 0.05mg of finasteride. 



  35. Hi Bryant, do I need to store

    Hi Bryant, do I need to store products with minoxidil and fin in fridge for effectiveness?

    • You should store the solutoin

      You should store the solutoin at room temperature. Both minoxidil and finasteride are pretty stable. 

  36. Hello Bryant, thanks for the

    Hello Bryant, thanks for the article! I wasn’t able to find the info here or in the product page ( DualGen-15 NO PG Plus ) apologies if I’ve missed it, but is there a recommended amount of time to keep the finasteride solution on the scalp before washing it off or sweating ( for most people )? I’m just starting out and on average it stays on for 2 hours on my scalp before I wash it off. Thanks in advance, would love to hear your advise.


    • You can Google search Dualgen

      You can Google search Dualgen-15 NO PG plus to locate the product. 

      You need to allow it to stay on your scalp for at least 2 hours before you wash it off.

  37. Hello Bryant! Thank you for

    Hello Bryant! Thank you for your work. There is something I would like to ask you.

    I have been using a topical finasteride and minoxidil solution for 6 years, and I still wonder if it expires after a month. (It’s something I read once in an article or forum, plus on the bottles of topical finasteride that my dermatologist gave me years ago, I remember that there was an expiration date written on it and it was one month). Does it really expire or does it lose effectiveness after a month? I would be very grateful to know the information about this since I may have been doing it wrong for a while, since sometimes I only apply the product 2 or 3 times a week, and the bottle lasts 2 or 3 months, and this may not allow me to maximize my results? Thank you very much in advance and cordial greetings.

    • The topical solution does not

      The topical solution does not expire in one month. If you get the product from a compounding pharmacy, they usually put a very short shelf life to be compliant with regulation. Finasteride is very stable. It is good for several years in a soluiton.

  38. Hey Bryant, I just read your

    Hey Bryant, I just read your post about how to make topical finasteride. Would it be better to use minoxidil with PG so that the finasteride dissolves better and improves absorption? I was thinking about doing it with minoxidil PG free, but I don’t know if it would be effective.


  39. I just put 12 pills of

    I just put 12 pills of proscar (finasterida 5mg) into 60ml minoxidil bottle without crushing or doing anything, I leave for 1 day and then shaked for 10min and open and i dont see any fillers or anything at the bottom looks everything is mixed fine. I have been doing like this last month, is this right to do in this way or can be anyproblem with not crushing the pills into powder first?

    • If you did not see any

      If you did not see any residue in the bottle, it means everything was dissolved. You should be good. 

  40. Hi,i have a question,i

    Hi,i have a question,i recently purchased Dualgen 10 and i wanted to know the expiry period of the finasteride inside it,cus i have 4 60ml,do i have time to finish it before the finasteride expires? thank you 🙂

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