Lipogaine Review | What Real Users Say About Lipogaine?

For Lipogaine lovers, it is heartbreaking to see that Lipogaine decided to stop selling its best hair loss products (Lipogaine for men, Lipogaine for women) on Amazon to avoid hefty Amazon commission fee. For those who never used Lipogaine products before, you can’t help thinking if Lipogaine lives up to it hype. 

I like Amazon. Not only is it very convenient, but also I can read reviews written by other real customers. Granted you need to take a grain of salt when you read reviews on Amazon and you must know how to tell if a review is real or fake. How can you tell if a review is real? If you shop on Amazon long enough and you will know right away if you are reading a fake review. If a review can get 3 “YES” from the following questions, the reviews are 99% real.

a. Is the review “Purchase Verified”?  Amazon labels the review written by a customer who purchased the product with badge “Purchase Verified”.  If the customer didn’t purchased the product, the review won’t have the badge.

b. Does the reviewer have a good track of reivewing history? If the reviewer is active and has multiple purchased verified reviews, it is a good sign the reviewer is a real customer.

c.  Does the review sound like from a real customer? A fake review typically has no specifics and you can readily tell it is from someone who never used the product. 

d. Does the review have before and after photos to show any Lipogaine results? If the review has Before and After images attached to the review and it is Purchase Verified, the review is real and you can ignore the questions b and c. 

I had the opportunity to look through thousands of Lipogaine review on Amazon before Lipogaine minoxidil products are gone from Amazon. I would not say all of them seem real. but I would say at 95% of reviews look legitimate based on the 4 criteria above. Here I copy and paste the unfiltered top 10 reviews for Lipogaine for men on Amazon (they are straightly taken from Amazon without any editting or sorting) . Each Lipogaine review has the link to Amazon so you can verified the review on Amazon and you can check out the profile of each Reviewer as well.  (P.S. You can click the name of each reviewer below to check out their Amazon profile). 

1.  Worth the higher price! Includes important ingredients missing from Rogaine!, November 5, 2013
Verified Purchase
Best topical cocktail available on the market to regrow hair. Much better than straight Rogaine. You will feel and notice the difference. Accept no substitutes! The mild acid dramatically improves penetration of the scalp, ingredients like saw palmetto enhance dht blockage (note: saw palmetto has only been scientifically proven as a blocker when used topically on the skin). If you have only tried Minoxidil 5% or lower, try this. It costs more, but its worth it.
  2.  Five Stars, April 30, 2015
Verified Purchase
A picture tells a thousand words! This is progress in the course of five months.


3. Great!!!, June 7, 2016
Verified Purchase
This is the first time that I use this kind of produce for my hair. I learn the fact that Lipogaine includes biotin and DHT block which makes it a powerful product for hair loss treatment. I’ve have used Lipogaine for about eight months.
Since it takes a while for my hair to dry I use Lipogaine only once a day-only in the evening. In the first 2 months, it caused itchiness on my scalp and face and then I stopped to use it. After two weeks, I continued to use it and just to keep going. Now i have seen a significant improvement on my hair quality and my hair returns. I am very satisfied with the result.
I strongly recommend lipogaine product including lipogaine shampoo. The following pictures are taken on February and May this year. You can see the difference.
4. This stuff works great give it a try!August 16, 2015
Verified Purchase(What’s this?)
So i wanted to write this review to say This stuff works great!!!! I have tried alot of others from 2010 to2014 which kept what i have up till when i saw lipogaine which had lot of great reviews so i figured i give it a try and the first month i notice spiky small hairs coming threw, Than in the 3rd month they was coming out all over my head. Im on around my 7th bottle and i uploaded 2 pics from December 1st till now. one bottle was lasting me like 40days at the start cause i had less hair. But sense i have more hair now it lasts me around 30days.
Pretty much lets just say nothing comes close to lipogaine. And for any new people wanting to try it you have to give it time and not quit after the first or 2nd month You have to stay with it for at least 6months and don’t be scared seeing shedding because i had it the first months you will see it and when that happens it means its working because its getting rid of the dead hair to make room for the new. But this stuff is worth it to give it a try. It working for me as you can see by my 2 photos:) still have more to go tho but i know its working:) Some will see faster results than others i say im around the middle? But so far i been very happy with the product:)
Great stuff!!!
5.Don’t knock it til you try it, April 8, 2016
Verified Purchase
This is one of the best products I have found for male pattern baldness hair loss. If you’re going to try this, give it more than just one or two months. Rome wasn’t built overnight. I have been using it religiously since 2013 and have had some incredible results. Male pattern baldness runs highly in my family and a few years back I started seeing the affects in my own hair. Around 2015, my family started asking questions about how my hair is looking thicker and not thinning anymore. It not only helps with regrowth, but stops the hairs that you have from falling out more as well. I wouldn’t say this targets receding hairline like I would have hoped, but it really does affect with the male pattern baldness. I was starting to thin majorly from the back of the center of my head to the front of my hairline on my forehead (like a baldness pattern from wearing too many hats). It dries around 15 minutes, give or take, and the way I apply it is taking the dropper, tilting my head backwards, and letting it run from the front of my hairline to the back of my head. It has no strong significant smell, but it does make oily hair even oilier. I wouldn’t recommend putting this on before going on a date or out to see friends lol. Put it on at night before you go to bed or in a casual day around the house. The photo I attached are two photos, side by side, for comparison. One was taken in August 2013 (left side) while the other was taken today, April 2016 (right side). The right side is how it looks while I’m wearing it, which temporarily makes it look thinner because both my hair and the product are oily (which I previously stated). I will update with a photo of me not wearing it so I can show just how much thicker my hair really is. If you can’t tell a difference from the photo I already posted, I don’t know what to tell you because the product speaks for itself. Truly works. Don’t knock it til you try it!

6. A real solution in the hair product, October 4, 2014

Mohammed Ibrahim
 Verified Purchase
I’ve used Rogaine for a few years. Hair stopped failing a little bit, but it was not my expectation. I stopped using Rogaine and decided to using Lipogaine. I loved the fact that it includes biotin and DHT blocker. My hair failing stopped totally and there is sign of hair regrowth. I love this product more than any other hair product and I used to try a lot of treatment but non of them was my expectation except this one. I use Lipogaine twice a day.

In summary, this is a product that has significantly improved my quality of hair. If you are curious, I would buy a bottle, try it everyday and see if you see any benefit, as probably not everyone responds to it. It has worked for me, luckily.

Read the review on Amazon:


7.  “A real weapon in the arsenal”, December 23, 2013

 Verified Purchase
Alright guys Im going to make this brief so you get what you want quick. Im white, 26, and have thin wavy hair. I began balding at 19, by 25 I was having trouble convincing myself I wasnt a norwood 4. It was bad and I had used rogaine foam and propecia from age 23-24 and felt unsatisfied. I believe now I was having positive results but because I was young and naive and shed from them I didnt make a objective adult evaluation of the results. I told myself I would not write this review until I had been using the product for 4 months. In this time I have used 5 bottles, I use it all over my scalp. Please do not put stock or even read reviews in which the reviewer has only been using the product for 2 weeks, unless they mention a shed or scalp reaction. If they say “2 weeks and I see new hair” they are completely full of you know what, or not in reality. I am at 4 months now and guys I am the happiest I have been in a long time. All hair that shed at the one month mark has returned and unless you are closely inspecting me, my mpb is not very noticeable. My hair loss has always been such a source of embarrassment for me that I would never comfortably discuss it openly with anyone. I recently attended a christmas party and received so many compliments of how good I looked that I actually opened up to some people. 6 months ago….the thought of this would make me cringe. So in conclusion here is my routine….1mg propecia, biotin supplement, microneedling my scalp before lipogaine application, lipogaine over crown, vertex, mid scalp, and frontal scalp usually only once a day…….every day. I also recommend lipogaine shampoo.

Read the review on Amazon:


8. Seems to be working after 3 months, January 18, 2013

 Verified Purchase
I have used regular and extra strength and foam Rogaine, generic minoxidil, other products that I can’t remember the name, and none seemed to work too well. They would cause redness on my scalp, flakiness, one had an orange color to it which was embarrassing. They would also cause inflammation and I would get pimples (probably ingrown hairs) due to blockage around follicles along with the inflammation. These would also leave an oily residue resulting in a shiny scalp. Using this product in conjunction with Regenepure DR (a recommendation from a blogger) I have none of these side effects. My wife made a comment last night that my scalp isn’t looking shiny anymore. That could be due to new hairs coming in (light and thin peach fuzz type) and that this doesn’t leave scalp and hair feeling oily. Also no redness! I haven’t used this without Regenepure, which is suppose to help with redness and inflammation, so I can’t say that this on it’s own won’t cause redness.

This product dries really fast, which is nice while getting ready in the morning. I have noticed that there is a residue on my scalp that I can scrape off with my nail. My wife seems to think it’s dead skin so I’m not sure. Either way it’s not noticeable and dries clear, so that’s good. If it dries on the hair, it seems to dry it out or get some weird texture. After it dries I put a little water on my hands and lightly run it across my hair to sort of rinse just the hairs with my head tilted so the water doesn’t rinse off my scalp. That has helped with the feel of the hair.

After about a month or so of usage I am seeing results. At first it was a few hairs (even where my hairline was) that popped up here and there, sometimes seemingly overnight. After 3 months my wife and I can tell the receding hairs are moving forward towards the first lone hairs that popped up. Looking closely I can really tell the difference, although in my comparison pictures it’s not drastically noticeable since they’re longer light hairs right now. I’m thinking in a few more months those will get pushed out with thicker hairs.

I definitely recommend a try!.

 9. Finally a weapon against the Battle of Baldness, December 1, 2015
Nicholas W. Sheffield
Verified Purchase
As a young man experiencing the troubles of Male Pattern Baldness, I feel it is my duty to help others out there who might be skeptical about treatments and where to place their money. First, a little backstory:

I was about 23 (3 years ago) when I started noticing considerable thinning on the vertex of my scalp as well as some mild recession around the front temples. I decided to act fast, starting with products my Stylist recommended. I tried preventative care from Nioxin for a year and while it slowed the process of balding for a bit, it did not help to thicken up the areas that needed it. That is when I hit the internet for help. I have researched countless websites and even called “The Hair Club for Men” for help. While I couldn’t afford the treatment they offered, it was nice to learn about DHT and all the care I would need to fight the battle of Baldness. That is when I came across Lipogaine.

To be honest, I have never used Lipogaine intesive treatment for men without accompanying it with the Lipogaine Big 3 Premium Hair Loss Prevention shampoo for Men and Women (2 in 1 formula)- 8 oz., so I can neither confirm nor deny that this product works as a stand alone. I can tell you, however, that using both of these products together has drastically improved my condition. In as little as two months I have already noticed a decrease in shedding and I can see tiny hairs coming in the vertex. There are no miracle growth formulas that instantly grow the hair back so I must warn you that it will be awhile until you start to see change. The rejuvenation of loss or thinning hair is a waiting game, and as the product states you will need to continue use as much as 6 months to see real change.

My only real concern with the product is the residue it seems to leave behind. I have thin hair, but it is grown out and this product almost acts as a gel like substance once it dries. I can say it is much easier applied to the head if you buzz your hair off. I do love that there is no smell associated with it though. I will update my review in the coming months to reflect the process, but as of now, I give it 5 stars and HIGHLY recommend these products to the similar balding male and I wish Lipogaine will never be discontinued.

10. Husbands hair growing back. Both are very happy!, June 25, 2015
Verified Purchase
Got this for my husband because his hair really started to thin out on the sides of the top of his head. He used it for 4 months now, applying every morning and night and is very happy with the results. I couldn’t believe myself that it actually worked. Before the hair started to came back it even looked worse for a while. I have been trying to find an original picture I took of him before he started using this product but only found the one we took after 3 months of using Lipogaine. Before he was almost bold there on the sides. He also switched to Lipogaine Big 3 Premium Hair Loss Prevention Shampoo and is taking Biotin 5000mcg. We just ordered out third bottle of Lipogaine and definitely going to keep using it.

Where to buy Lipogaine prducts?

 You can order all lipogaine products Lipogaine official website It ships orders around the world. 

Original Lipogaine Review

What is Lipogaine :It is an intensive treatment and complete solution for people to fight hair loss. It combines all the latest science into one convenient formula to perform through multiple pathways. More than minoxidil alone. More than any single ingredient. Lipogaine, a true breakthrough, delivers the most aggressive, most powerful, most effective topical treatment to retain and regrow hair by fusing a broad spectrum of clinically proven compounds into one single solution. This recipe is not like any other product on the market. Lipogaine deposits cutting-edge ingredients deep below the surface of the scalp, where they can really perform, through proprietary liposome encapsulation.

 (a). Products: Lipogaine for men, Lipogaine for women, Lipogaine big 3 shampoo.

 (b). Ingredients:Water, propylene glycol, ethanol, minoxidil 5%, proprietary herb DHT blocker blend, saw palmetto extract, beta-sitosterol, oleic acid, linolenic acid, apple polyphenol, biotin, niacin, adenosine, vitamin B6 and B12, phosphatidycholine

 (c). Who should use Lipogaine: Men with Hair thinning, Male pattern baldness, or hair loss

 (d). How to use: Perform a “use test” to ensure you are not allergic to the product by applying a few drops of LipoGaine to the triangular cavity of the elbow joint. Do not use this product if redness or inflammation of the spot occurs. Use the dropper to apply no more than 1 mL of the product to the hair thinning/loss area. Twice a day.


Why LipoGaine? Hair loss and thinning hair can be brought on by a variety of different conditions. The most common type of hair loss is referred to pattern hair loss (or androgenetic alopecia). Male and female pattern hair loss affects 50% of men by 50 years of age and nearly 50% of women. The slow, relentless, involuntary loss of hair creates emotional stress for millions of men and women. Countless Internet sites and late night infomercials purport to have discovered a “miracle” cure for pattern hair loss. Unfortunately, these “cures” are nonexistent and only serve to create cynicism and further stress for patients.

Fortunately, there are safe, effective medications available to treat pattern hair loss. The most widely accepted explanation for male pattern hair loss is the DHT theory. DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone, a byproduct of testosterone created by the enzyme 5-Reductase. During puberty, high levels of DHT in the body are normal and aid in the development of secondary sexual characteristics. Later, in life however, high levels of DHT can have negative effects on hair health. Essentially, DHT will attach itself to the hair follicle depriving it of nutrition and causing atrophy (shrinking), and eventually the follicle will fall out.

What is the significance of this? Only two types of treatments are going to work: Treatments that reduce DHT level, or treatments that stimulate growth despite it. There are countless hair loss products on the market, which works either by reducing DHT level or by stimulating hair growth. Lipogaine is the first of its kind that does both, i.e. it stimulates hair growth and reduces DHT level by infusing a array of clinically proven natural DHT blockers into convenient solution. By combining hair growth stimulator, DHT blockers and Vitamins into one formula, Lipogaine not only delivers result that no other single product does, but also saves users a tremendous amount of money.

Lipogaine Side Effects: Possible side effects of Lipogaine products can be caused by minoxidil or the propylene glycol. Side effects caused by minoxidil include fast heart beat, chest pain, or scalp itch. Common side effects caused by proplylene glycol is scalp itch. Lipogaine recently launched a improved versions called Lipogaine for Men for sensitive scalp and Lipogaine for Women for Sensitive Scalp, which  that are free of propylene glycol. They are suitable for those who are allergic to propylene glycol. If you are allergic minoxidil, your only option will be Lipogaine big 3 shampoo that is free of minoxidil.  Minoxidil caused side effects are very rare, it is estimated to be less than 2%. Majority of people who experiencd side effects when using minoxidil product is due to propylene glycol. 

Where to buy Lipogaine? you can order lipogaine from its official site It shipped to worldwide including Australia, UK, and most European countries.

Our evaluation: Lipogaine, with its unique combination of hair growth stimulator, DHT blockers and Hair growth nutrients and proprietary delivery system, works far better than any other hair growth product on the market. Users should keep in mind that hair growth is a slow process, therefore you won’t see results overnight. Although most people see improvement in less than two months, some people may need up to 6 months to see solid improvement. Patience is as important as choosing the right product to treat your hair loss.


7 thoughts on “Lipogaine Review | What Real Users Say About Lipogaine?”

  1. What is the difference

    What is the difference between the Lipogaine for men and Lipogaine for men for sensitive scalp?

    • The main difference lies in

      The main difference lies in the delivery vehicle. The sensitive version (blue package) uses glycerin in place of propylene glycol as the latter is known to cause scalp irritation among many users. The effective ingredients are said to be the same. 

  2. Can I use the product once a

    Can I use the product once a day after using it for a year?

    By the end of this month it will be my 1 year mark of using the product. I have been religiously using it two times a day. If I use  it once a day, will I lose hair?

  3. What is the best product for

    What is the best product for frontal hair regrowth? The topical solution or the shampoo? 

    • The topical solution works

      The topical solution works much better for hair regrowth regardless if it is for vetex or frontal .

  4. I have a general thinning.

    I have a general thinning. Not like a regular patern hair loss where the hair loss is on the top of front. Will Lipogaien work for me?

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